67 Kid Chores Your Children Should Be Doing Before Age 17

67 Kid Chores Your Children Should Be Doing Before Age 17

I’d be a hot mess with one leg in the grave if I had decided NOT to assign any kid chores for my children to accomplish. I’d be cheating their future spouses out of a responsible and capable human being that actually learns to respect (and even love) serving another…especially when it comes to household chores.

After having the blessed privilege of raising 2 out of 10 kids to adulthood, I don’t regret one decision to have my kids doing something around the same time they learn the word, “no”.

If your kid can say the word “no” with partial comprehension of what it means, it’s time for some kid chores!

Coach Andi ~Mom of 10

These are legit, the chores listed below that I started with my oldest two. The kid chores that made the most sense and took very little effort to train them on. Now, am I saying that I never got any push back?

? Bahahahahaha

Kids are brats. My kids are brats. I was the BRAT of my family. Of course I got push back, whining, kicking, and the sort. It didn’t last long, because I seriously don’t tolerate that ?.

Say what you mean, mean what you say. I don’t make threats, I promise.

Coach Andi ~Mom of 10

Assign some kid chores and see how it goes. If you need to discipline them, do not threaten shit you don’t actually mean or intend to do. I see sooo many parents threaten their kids. No wonder they are 10047% brats! They don’t follow through with what they said, so why should your kid be any different? Build trust and integrity with your kids. Assign them age-appropriate kid chores, start slow, and praise them like they follow you into the bathroom… all. The. Freakin’. Time!

Need to organize your current (or non-existent) chore list?
Grab my free guide (not just for beginners!) below ??.

As you start assigning specific kid chores, keep in mind that any thing a toddler can do, the grade school children can do and so on. No need to repeat them because obviously a teen can pick up some toys, yo!

Kid Chores for:



  • Picking up one set of toys at a time
  • Put clothes in laundry
  • Switch out their own underwear after an accident
  • Brush Teeth
  • Clean baseboards
  • Wipe Small Tables
  • Wipe outside of appliances
  • Replace small trash bag liners (give them the bag)
  • Organize shoes
  • Hang up towels (with stool)

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Kid Chores for:


“Research from a well-known 75-year Harvard study examined what psychosocial variables and biological processes from earlier in life predict health and well-being later in life. Researchers found that children who were given chores became more independent adults.”  ~VeryWell.com

Grade School Aged Kids

  • Load dishwasher
  • Unload dishwasher
  • Wash dishes
  • Sweep floors
  • Clean bathroom sinks
  • Disinfect toilets
  • Clean windows
  • Wipe down counters
  • Pick up trash
  • Clean/dust inside of vehicles
  • Vacuum inside of vehicles
  • Vacuum couches/chairs
  • Spot-clean wood floors
  • Magic Erase doors/walls
  • Wash linoleum floors
  • Do their own laundry
  • Fold laundry
  • Vacuum out dryer vent/lint
  • Dust
  • Vacuum stairs/floors
  • Clean refrigerator
  • Clean freezer(s)
  • Clean inside microwave
  • Clean inside of toaster ovens
  • Organize kitchen utensil drawer
  • Organize vitamins/supplements
  • Feed/water pets
  • Water plants
  • Make a bed
  • Break down boxes for recycling

Kid Chores for:

Chore Cards for ALL age groups!


  • Helping younger siblings get their food
  • Clean mirrors spotless
  • Clean shower (drains and shower head)
  • Take out trash
  • Wash vehicles
  • Organize toys
  • Replace light bulbs
  • Organize kitchen cabinets
  • Remove spoiled food from refrigerator
  • Walk pets/play time
  • Fold large blankets
  • Change a diaper
  • Dusting Fans
  • Remove & Clean window screens
  • Middle Manage younger siblings

Kid Chores for:



  • Clean under oven vent (remove and scrub)
  • Move oven out and clean
  • Move refrigerator out and clean
  • Detail clean toilets
  • Vacuum air vents/change filters
  • Wash porch/decks
  • Replace digital device charging cords
  • Organize pantry shelves (dust and clean)
  • Detail clean bathroom sinks/showers
  • Dust ceiling (cobwebs in corners of rooms)
  • Move furniture dust/vacuum behind them
  • Clean on a regular schedule

Girl, if you don’t assign come kid chores early on, they’ll always…. (yes, I mean ALWAYS) gripe and fight you. Sure, my kids complain about certain chores but that doesn’t mean I forgo assigning them. Every day they know exactly what is priority and what has to be accomplished before any privileges (game time, TV time, etc.) are granted. Don’t forget that you are still in control no matter how out of control you may feel!

Do you PAY your kids allowance to do chores (or use any type of bribe)?

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Photo Credits: Thru Andi’s Lenz

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