Aging well in an ageless world.
Is it possible? Well, as someone who ages – yes.
Have you read my post on the B.E.E.S yet? A major part of aging very well is all about how you are:
- Breathing in the air of life;
- Enjoying the nourishing foods you eat,
- Enjoying sex-ual pleasure {with your spouse};
- Smiling a lot!
Does this look like the face of a woman nearly 40 years old AND a mother of 8??
This is the untouched photo of myself – it’s only been cropped. Seriously, there MUST be some secret to the Fountain of Youth that I must’ve tumbled upon. I can’t help but find it the “norm” to accept the comments of my youthful look despite the number of children I have AND they find out I’m actually over 30 (or that I’m NOT my oldest son and daughter’s sister).
So.. IS there a Fountain of Youth I drench my body with? Drowning into the blissful youth of eternity even as I age?
I drown in the love and happiness of my husband.
I drown in the breath of life that fills my lungs every day I am blessed to have.
I drown in the laughter of my children’s voices.
I drown in the savory delicacies of real food topped with savory butter.
I drown in the silence of alone time, time to be away from the chaos without feeling guilty that I want to be away and do it.
I drown in the pleasure of life – and smile about it.
What happens to wine as it ages?
- Quality and richness increases each passing year.
- It becomes more valuable and treasured every time an aged bottled is opened.
- It becomes ripe, flavorful and even more appreciated.
- It’s kept even longer.
- It’s treasured and freakin’ expensive!
What happens to milk when it ages?
- It sours.
- It’s thrown out as a waste.
- It turns people away with a disgusted look on their face.
- It’s discarded without care or a second thought.
- It becomes useless.
How is your life aging you?
Are you feeling more like the treasured wine or the useless curdled milk?
Becoming like wine wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. It’s not I wake up knowing exactly how to keep stress at bay, not let life get me down or feel overwhelmed by my kids. What I do know how to do is, breathe and take each moment at a time, IN the moment. I’ve learned (the hard way) that dwelling on past mistakes or on the decisions of others that really hurt me and tore me down, ages me like curdled-rotten milk. Turning me bitter, sour and feeling like a waste. I could either let that continue…or decide not live like that.
I started to notice my skin reacting to my poor emotional state, the stress I was allowing, and the lack of energy-inducing movement I wasn’t taking advantage of. Then my body reacted…it felt weak, like it wasn’t responding how I wanted it to when I wanted it to. This further lead me down a path of blaming others for my built-in spiral staircase of poor health & ill feelings that I was walking down.
Well, that does you no good!
BUT… That’s NOT you.
YOU decide if others will determine HOW you age.
YOU see yourself as the priceless, quality of a person you know you are meant to be.
YOU decide to take pleasurable time for yourself to decompress and relax – without feeling guilty to do so.
YOU decide if life will weigh you down or treat you like the valuable person you are.
YOU say no when you need to say no so you say YES to your self-care.
YOU eat what deliciously nourishes you instead of ordering from the $1 menu.
YOU decide to care for your skin and well-being.
YOU take charge and love every waking moment of it. Because, if you don’t like your aging process right now…change it.