Updated Aug 2020
Frankincense & Lavender

Two of my go-to essential oils this past summer that was my life-saver with all the scrapes, bumps, and bruises that trickled in day by day (after all, we do own a trampoline!). I’ll tell you why in this post and video and I’ll share what DaNelle Wolford over at Weed’em & Reap has to say about Back to School essential oil blends.
This past summer I realized that I was applying more of these two oils than anything else. What’s more amazing, is that 3 out of 5 times, I only needed ONE application!
I was amazed myself when my little two year old, bonked her head right on the corner of the fridge door. As she came crying over to me to hide her face in my bosom, I saw the ugliest, bruise and knot forming on her head. It looked so angry and painful, I almost started to cry!! I called for ice and my two magic essential oils, Lavender and Frankincense with a carrier oil. After all, her brothers pre-tested this blend so I knew it would work…I just didn’t know how FAST it would work!!
As soon as the essential oils blend was ready, removed the ice, and gently covered the area in oils and just held her. Within a few minutes, her cries turned into little smiles of assurances that her head felt better. It still looked angry, hurting-mad, but her face said otherwise.
I didn’t even think about that bump and bruise again that night…until I saw her head the next day.
Literally, less than 12 hours later… NO SIGN of any damage, bruise, or bump. Her skin tone was completely normal and there was a pin-point “dot” of a scab.

What the?????
She was happy…I was thrilled!
I love my essential oils! Quick, easy, safe & oh so effective!!! And now that the summer is winding down, kids are back in school, my friend, DaNelle over at Weed’em & Reap has some essential oil blends to share that specifically target those kids returning to school (I’d even use them in my homeschool!!) Go check her out and the oils!
Visit DaNelle at Weed’em & Reap for Back To School Essential Oil Blends!
Whether you school your children at home, send ’em down to a local neighborhood school, or live on an island in the middle of nowhere and life IS your school (jealous!), I’ve got the best back to school essential oil blends for ya’. …Go and read the full post!
What Essential Oil Company Do I Buy From?
All things equal, I have my top 3 favorite companies. I have business accounts with them all and can resell, however, since I know a couple distributors who are passionate about their one company, hey, go with them. I really only sell locally to any clients who are working with me in my home and need something right away. I require top-quality, honest reviews and I also review the companies’ manufacturing processes. All three companies listed below have above-standards and high-quality products. I favor some individual oils over others, however, with experimenting with my own family, my son actually said,
This is a different oil. {It was still lavender, but a different brand}. It’s different I can tell, but it still works the same.
Eli – Age 13
I was astonished! He really could tell a difference in the brand of the essential oils, BUT he also could tell it was just as effective as the other brand. So that right there tells me, different high-quality essential oils, different flowers probably from a different region, but still the same medicinal property of healing.
That’s all I need!
My Top Three Essential Oils Companies (not in any particular order):
- Young Living
- Native American Nutritionals
- DoTerra
The controversy is just ridiculous between a couple of those above. I’m not into essential oils politics, I’m in natural healing without doing harm, so please keep the politics in Washington….behind closed doors….locked in a basement….of concrete walls….with a conventional doctor. hehehehehe 😛
Disclaimer: All content contained herein is for informational purposes only. By law, I need to write this as people get sue-happy saying that they can’t think for themselves and make educated decisions about their own actions. Granted, some people are really slimy and make false claims, but then again, that’s where an educated decision comes in on whether or not the information is legit and safe. Continue to do well by your health and your families’ health and always seek a health professional (like me too!) when you feel the need. 🙂 Have a beautiful day learning about oils and other methods of natural healing!
What are some of your favorite essential oils and how do you use them?
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